LINKS SIKART Lexikon des Schweizerischen Instituts für Kunstwissenschaft Riding.Vision, an art project by Robert Estermann BOOKS Robert Estermann Pleasure, Habeas Corpus, Motoricity. The Great Western Possible With texts (English/French/German) by Elisabeth Lebovici, Daniel Kurjaković, Adrian Lucas, Susanne Neubauer Preface by Peter Fischer Edited by Susanne Neubauer, Kunstmuseum Luzern Museum of Art Lucerne 128 pages, 92 ill., 32 x 24 cm, softbound with cover book design by Simon Fuhrimann, Georg Rutishauser, Zürich edition fink, Zürich 2007 ISBN 978-3-03746-105-1 CHF 28.00 + shipping Order here Robert Estermann Scenic Tongical, No.3 – Machinations of Matter (Stills of Contortions for Instant Translation) concept newspaper with drawings from the Scenic Tongical series 20 pages, 35 x 50 cm edition of 2000, given away worldwide Concept: Robert Estermann, Georg Rutishauser Publisher: edition fink, Zurich, 2019 Order here Robert Estermann Scenic Tongical, No.2 – Locomo (spaceless) concept newspaper with drawings from the Scenic Tongical series 12 pages, 57 x 80 cm edition of 8000, given away worldwide Concept: Robert Estermann, Georg Rutishauser Title design: Arve Båtevik Publisher: edition fink, Zurich, 2015 ISBN 978-3-03746-189-1 Order here Robert Estermann Scenic Tongical, No.1 – Logogogo (Radical Skies) concept newspaper with drawings from the Scenic Tongical series 16 pages, 46.5 x 64 cm edition of 3000, given away worldwide Concept: Robert Estermann and Georg Rutishauser Title design: Arve Batevic Publisher: edition fink, Zurich 2015 Order here Robert Estermann Picture Book A picture journey through some of Estermann’s eclectic works, its spirit and international appearances from 2008-2015. 64 pages, table of contents on the last page First published in 2015 View on ISUU or Download as PDF Robert Estermann, Christl Mudrak Es gibt keinen Ort ausserhalb des Bildes. There is no place outside the picture. What does an artistic teaching practice which does not remain trapped in its historical and media conventions, but in which through thorough self-perception and the perception of the immediate surroundings the whole setting itself becomes a stage and perceptual instrument, look like? 116 pages, full colour All texts in German and English 29.7 x 21 cm, Paperback Publisher: Caustic Window, Seoul 2014 ISBN 978-8995646472 EUR 20.00 / KRW 20000 Order here or Download as PDF Robert Estermann Announcements Artist’s Book 48 pages, full colour 29.7 x 21 cm, Paperback Publisher: Caustic Window, Seoul 2014 ISBN pending CHF 22.00 / EUR 18.00 / USD 22.00 Order here Robert Estermann Modern Beach Design Artist’s Book 32 pages, full colour 28 x 21 cm, Klammerheftung, Paperback laminated Gestaltung Robert Estermann Publisher: Caustic Window, Seoul 2009 ISBN 978-89-956464-4-1 CHF 18.00 / EUR 15.00 / USD 18.00 Order here