Robert Estermann (b. 1970) is a Swiss artist.



1991 – 1992:
University of Sorbonne (French Literature and Philosophy), Paris, France
1992 – 1997:
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France (DNSAP, Master of Arts)
1999 – 2001:
Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production for Fine Art, Design and Theory, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Grants & Awards

Arbeitsstipendium Covid-19, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Zurich, Switzerland
Grant of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
Swiss Art Award, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Bern, Switzerland
Bae Open Space Studio Grant (and residency), Busan, South Korea
Manor Art Prize, Lucerne, Switzerland
Swiss Art Award, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Bern, Switzerland
Grant of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
Swiss Art Award, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Bern, Switzerland
Prize of the Jury, Prize of the Cantons of Central Switzerland, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
Grant of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
Neuentdeckung des Jahres 2000, 20. Internationale Kritiker-Umfrage, Art-Das Kunstmagazin, Hamburg, Germany
Jan van Eyck Academie Grant, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Jan van Eyck Academie Grant, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Huygens Scholarship, Nuffic Programme, The Hague, The Netherlands
Jan van Eyck Academie Grant, Maastricht, The Netherlands
since 1998:
Various exhibition grants, including Pro Helvetia, Zurich, Switzerland


Selected Solo Shows

“Schaustück, Schaustücke”, Kunstraum Neuruppin, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Neuruppin, Germany
“Robert Estermann & Oz Oderbolz”, Last Tango, Zürich, Switzerland
“World Drawing Class”, Hilfiker Kunstprojekte, Lucerne, Switzerland
“Each Line Is A Crime”, Archive Kabinett, Berlin, Germany
“WOHIN MIT IHNEN?”, well, Zurich, Switzerland
“Sex with Space”, Kim Kim Gallery @ Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea
“Piece Unique”, Kim Kim Gallery @ Corner Art Space, Seoul, South Korea
“This is Perfect”, Art Public, Collins Park, South Beach, Miami, USA
“Clay Collection and Speculative Plane”, Hilfiker Kunstprojekte, Lucerne, Switzerland
“Announcements Annonces Ankündigungen”, ( les halles ) espace d’art contemporain, Porrentruy, Switzerland
“Robert Estermann – Sissy Circus and Other Singularities”, Agnès b. Gallery, Hong Kong, China
“Modern Beach Design”, Hilfiker Kunstprojekte, Lucerne, Switzerland
“New Sundays”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“Robert Estermann. Manor Kunstpreis Luzern 2007”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Robert Estermann”, Ausstellungsraum restitution, Berlin, Germany
“Robert Estermann”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“water is strong”, Galerie du Forum Saint-Eustache, Paris, France
“room and anteroom / all desires / I have forgotten your name”, gallery 227, Maastricht, The Netherlands
“sudden, everything”, ENSBA, Paris, France


Selected Group Shows

Hyper Cultural Passengers, Hamburg, Germany (May – June)
“Anonymous Drawings”, Kunsthaus Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany (February – March)
“Human sediments, drifting up”, Flux I bell place, curated by Harm Lux, Berlin, Germany (30 November – 31 January 2025)
“Anonymous Drawings”, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
“Say It With Flowers”, MES 56, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
“Kosmos Lem”, Galerie des Polnischen Instituts Berlin, Berlin, Germany
“Anonyme Zeichner 2022”, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany
“On Clothing. The Visible Self”, Spazio Millepiani, Rome, Italy
“Galleria Di Berna”, Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, Switzerland
“Bau braucht Kunst – EDGE East Side”, EastSide Mall, Berlin, Germany
“Kosmos Lem”, Rechenzentrum, Potsdam, Germany
“Call of the Lobster”, Songwon Art Center, Seoul, South Korea (postponed due to Covid)
“Affaire de Coeur 5 – The most beautiful bird of our time”, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“Contemporary Connections”, Falk30, Berlin, Germany
“Tempest Under the Masque”, Salon Rebel Rebel, Marseille, France
“Niemand hat das Recht zu gehorchen”, Counter Space, Zurich, Switzerland
“Ankäufe der Stadt Zürich 2011 – 2018”, Helmhaus, Zurich, Switzerland
“Wild Youths Riot School”, Museum Jajaknamusoup, Hoengseong-gun, South Korea
“Anonyme Zeichner 2018”, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany
“Where is Philadelphia?”, Gutshaus Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Germany
“100”, Galerie Axel Obiger, Berlin, Germany
“Interstices – Les Editions ( les halles ) au FRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté à Besançon”, FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
“Affaire de Coeur 3”, Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“Theorem 4. Aesthetic Agency and the Practices of Autonomy. Part II: Der Prozess / The Trial”, Corner College, Zurich, Switzerland
“Catch of the Year 2016”, Dienstgebäude, Zurich, Switzerland
“Anonyme Zeichner 2016”, Stadt- und Industriemuseum, Rüsselsheim am Main, Germany
“Lava, Come Back to Me”, Kim Kim Art Fair, Kim Kim Gallery, Seojong, South Korea
“Dimensione Disegno. Posizioni Contemporanee”, Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, Switzerland
“They Printed It”, Kunsthalle Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
“Überzeichnen”, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, Switzerland
“Regards sur la collection d’agnès b.”, Lille Métropole Musée d’art moderne, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Art Brussels, with Galerie du Jour agnès b., Belgium, Brussels
“Eco-Echo-Echo”, Corriente Alterna, Lima, Peru
“Shining”, Galerie Axel Obiger, Berlin, Germany
“unter einem Dach”, Kunsthaus Zofingen, Zofingen, Switzerland
“Konvent”, ION, Zurich, Switzerland
“Das neue Fleisch”, after the butcher, Berlin, Germany
“Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen 2012”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
Kunst Zürich 2012, with Hilfiker Kunstprojekte, Zurich, Switzerland
“Werkbeiträge Bildende Kunst 2012 Kanton Zürich”, F+F, Zurich, Switzerland
“La jeunesse est un art”, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
“Werk- und Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zürich 2012”, Helmhaus, Zurich, Switzerland
“Totally German!”, Kim Kim Gallery @ Good Hands! @ Ggooll Pool, Seoul, South Korea
Kim Kim Schaulager, Seoul, South Korea
“Môtiers 2011 – Art en plein air”, Môtiers, Switzerland
art:gwangju:11, with Kim Kim Gallery, Gwangju, South Korea
“Max von Moos – gesehen von Peter Roesch, Christian Kathriner & Robert Estermann”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Voici un Dessin Suisse (1990 – 2010)”, Kunsthaus Aarau, Switzerland
“In Erster Linie”, Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Switzerland
“Zentralschweizer Kunstszenen”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Where in this world could I go?”, von cirne, Cologne, Germany
“Edition 5, Erstfeld”, Haus für Kunst Uri, Switzerland
“Voici un Dessin Suisse (1990 – 2010)”, Musée Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
Gluri Sutter Haus, Wettingen, Switzerland
“If it works, it’s out of date”, Gallery Shilla (with Kim Kim Gallery), Daegu, South Korea
“Moving Coastline”, Space Bandee, Busan, South Korea
“Sammeln Verpflichtet”, Museum of Art Solothurn, Switzerland
“Swiss Art Awards 2009”, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
MadridFoto, with Galerie du Jour agnès b., Madrid, Spain
“Zeigen”, ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland
“Zentralschweizer Kunstschaffen 2008”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“24. Kantonale Jahresausstellung”, Museum of Art Solothurn, Switzerland
“Impression 2008”, Kunsthaus Grenchen, Grenchen, Switzerland
“Kim Kim Gallery”, ROB-ERT, Berlin, Germany
“Top of Central Switzerland”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Werkbeiträge Bildende Kunst 2007 Kanton Zürich”, F+F, Zurich, Switzerland
“Swiss Art Awards 2007”, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
“Prix Special Noël”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“Was macht die Kunst – Ankäufe der Stadt Zürich 2001 – 2006”, Helmhaus, Zurich, Switzerland
“Heimatflimmern”, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam, Germany
“La Luna. La Diva”, likeyou.projects, Zurich, Switzerland
Int. Triennale für Originaldruckgrafik, Grenchen, Switzerland
“Performances et Projections”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“Jahresausstellung Innerschweizer Künstler”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Werkbeiträge Bildende Kunst 2005 Kanton Zürich”, F+F, Zurich, Switzerland
“Swiss Art Awards 2005”, Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Fiac, with Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“11th Biennial of Visual Arts VALUES”, Pancevo, Serbia
“Desidolize Now”, Grande-Halle de la Villette, Paris, France
“Kunstszene Zürich”, Toni-Areal, Zurich, Switzerland
Art Cologne, with Elisabeth Kaufmann Gallery, Cologne, Germany
“PARA…SIGNS”, Elisabeth Kaufmann, Zurich, Switzerland
“Eine mittlere Ebene”, Amtshäuser III und IV, Zurich, Switzerland
Fiac, with Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
Art Forum Berlin, with Galerie du Jour agnès b., Berlin, Germany
“seeyuatthepremierefair”, Kongresszentrum Rauchstrasse, Berlin, Germany
“Commitment”, Las Palmas, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
“Sens Dessus-Dessous”, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, France
“The air palpably thickens …”, MARRES centrum beeldende kunst, Maastricht, The Netherlands
“T-SHIRT”, paris project room, Paris, France
“LIE!”, Compression Space, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“drawings”, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
“UNLIMITED.NL#4”, De Appel Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“objet : projet”, Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld, Zurich, Switzerland
“affinités électives 2”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“open nights”, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
“Literie”, Galerie du Forum Saint-Eustache, Paris, France
“The Garden Project”, Total Open-Air Museum, Jangheung, South Korea
“Drawing a Line”, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
“affinités électives”, Galerie du Jour agnès b., Paris, France
“Rencontres internationales Hors Circuit Paris/Berlin”, Brotfabrick, Berlin, Germany
“Storage”, TONIC, New York, USA
“Fin de Siècle”, Ambassade Suisse, Paris, France
“Sin-Aesthetics”, MK Galerie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
“Kaukolämpöä ja muita siirtymä” (District heating and other transitions), former criminal investigation departement, Helsinki, Finland
“While you kissed the stairway”, rue de Lancry, Paris, France
“Etat de transfert”, Galerie Jorge Alyskewycz, Paris, France


Public Art

“Schnitt und Akne”, EDGE East Side Tower, Berlin (nominated, finalist round)
“Riding.Vision”, online art project, concept store
“Swimmer”, Sportzentrum Heuried, Zurich, Switzerland (nominated by the Zurich public arts council)


Selected Actions & Performances

“Hannah Arendt Happening”, Counter Space, Zurich, Switzerland
“Spectacular Interferometry”, Archive Kabinett, Berlin, Germany
“Supercritico”, downtown Lima, Peru (with Janine Soenens)
“Shallow”, Playa Villa, Lima, Peru (with Janine Soenens)
“What is Brutalism?”, ONA Building, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
“Sex with Space”, Kim Kim Gallery @ Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea
“Appearance in Super System”, Art Public during Art Basel Miami Beach, Collins Park, Miami, USA
“Clay Class”, ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland
“Exile Parliament”, on a proposal by San Keller, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, St.Gallen, Switzerland
“Streetpeople”, ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland
“Brnd mrror kds srrnd accdnt”, Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
“Alex in Town”, Streets of Grenchen, Switzerland
“Reflexe auf Fensterscheiben in Cartoons (…)”, artist’s studio, Zurich, Switzerland
“unreiner Duft”, Amt für Hochbau, AH III und AH IV, Zurich, Switzerland
“Je suis ninja. Voilà ma proposition pour une séance profonde de Rock.”, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, France
“room and anteroom / all desires / I have forgotten your name”, Gallery 227, Maastricht, The Netherlands
“water is strong”, Galerie du Forum Saint-Eustache, Paris, France
“Illegal company”, Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland
“This is fiction”, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
“Streetpeople”, Brotfabrick, Berlin, Germany
“Fighting People”, ENSBA, Paris, France
“Sex For a future”, ENSBA, Paris, France
“L’oiseau le plus beau de notre époque”, ENSBA, Paris, France
“HI STORY”, Railway station square / Kaisaniemen Puisto, Helsinki, Finland
“Changer des jambes en plantes aquatiques est un crime”, ENSBA, Paris, France
“Oikema”, Chapelle des Petits Augustins, Paris, France (with Alberto Sorbelli)
“Parkett”, Hôtel de Chimay, ENSBA, Paris, France


Film Projections

“Announcements & Distractions”, a live mix by Nakion with a projection of drawings by Robert Estermann, Space Hamliton, Seoul, S-Korea
“Parallel Discipline”, Space Hamliton, Seoul, S-Korea
“thés vidéos”, Galerie Eof, Paris, France
“Singular multiplicity: a re-visitation on ‘idendity’ [breaking the code, part 2]” Institut für Gegenwertskunst, Wien; Central St Martins? School of Art, London, UK
“Inhabiting Technologies” (Symposia), with Sue Golding [johnny de philo], ICA, London, UK
“Drive-In”, cinéma action cristine, Paris, France “contamination”, “contamination continue”, cinéart café, Nanterre, France “what is Enlightenment (chapter 2)”, symposium, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Public Collections

Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
City of Zurich, Switzerland
City of Lucerne, Switzerland
Collection jurassienne des beaux-arts, Delémont, Switzerland
Fondation CMC Agnès B., Paris, France
FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon
FRAC PACA, Marseille, France
Graphische Sammlung Bern, Switzerland
MARRES centrum beeldende kunst, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Metropolitan Museum, New York, USA
Museum of Art Lucerne, Switzerland
Museum of Art Solothurn, Switzerland
Total Open-Air Museum, Jangheung, South Korea
Sammlung Hoffmann La-Roche, Basel, Switzerland
Maus Frères SA, Geneva
The Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC, USA
Numerous Private Collections


Teaching, Lectures & Workshops

long term assignment
2008 – 2013:
Lecturer at Institute of Architecture and Art, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Department of Architecture, Zurich, Switzerland

short term assignments
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), Zurich, Switzerland (presentation and talk in OnCurating space, with Damian Christinger)
Pädagogische Hochschule Zurich (Zurich University of Teacher Education), Zurich, Switzerland (guest lecture and workshop with Monika Sennhauser)
Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Berlin, Germany (teaching presentation)
Corriente Alterna Escuela de Arte, Lima, Peru (guest lecture)
Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Institute for Integrated Design, Bremen, Germany (teaching presentation)
Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Berlin, Germany (guest lecture and guest critic, class of Christl Mudrak)
Hochschule Luzern (HSLU), Lucerne, Switzerland (presentation for Forschungsmodul Kunst & Vermittlung with Christoph Lang)
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst (HGKZ), Zurich, Switzerland (performance workshop with Daniel Kurjaković)
Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Maastricht, The Netherlands (lecture)
The Korea National University of Art, Seoul, South Korea (performance workshop with Koh Nak Beom)
Camp Crystalaire, Frankfort, Michigan, USA (Head of Arts & Crafts Department)


Other Engagements

Jury member at diverse selection committees (list on request)
Founding member of ANIMAL HOUSE Art Projects – Kunstverein e.V., Ulm (since 2014)


Selected Bibliography

2023:, Anja Grossmann, “Leder, Sattel, Pferdeschwanz”, 25. April 2023, Berlin
Robert Estermann, “Alex in Town”, the MASS magazine #10, October 2020 – Inhuman, Editors: Maria Sappho and Henry McPherson, London, pp. 8-9
Robert Estermann, “Scenic Tongical No.3 – Machinations of Matter (Stills of Contortions for Instant Translation)”, artist’s newspaper, concept with Georg Rutishauser, Edition Fink (Hrsg.), 2019, Zurich
Der Tagesspiegel, Gregor Dotzauer, “Blicke mit Durchblick”, 9. Dezember 2018, Berlin, p. 32
Robert Estermann, “Riding.Vision”, Diaphanes Magazine #5 – Taming the Gaze, Zurich, ISBN 978-3-0358-0133-0, ISSN 2504-2017, pp. 2, 9, 54, 78, 83, 100, 105, 121, 134, 143, 146, 149, 160
Korea New Network, TV broadcast about “Wild Youths Riot School” in Museum Jajaknamusoup (includes “Alex in Town”), 3. November 2018, Busan
Miya Yoshida, “Towards (Im)Measurability of Art and Life”, Archive Books, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-943620-64-1, pp. 108-111, 153
“100”, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Axel Obiger, Berlin (Hrsg.)
“Dimensione Disegno, Posizioni Contemporanee”, exhibition catalogue, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri (Hrsg.), Edizioni Sottoscala, Bellinzona, ISBN 978-88-95471-28-0, pp. 11-12, 41-48, 127-128, 136-137, 140
Kunst Bulletin, Laura Giudici, “Dimensione Disegno – Linee in libertà”, 8. July 2016, Zurich, pp. 68-69
La Regione, Elena Spoerl, “Giovani tratti a Villa dei Cedri”, 23. April 2016, Bellinzona, pp. 20-22
La Provincia, Felice Bonalumi, “Il disegno cerca un futuro fra la tradizione e il digitale”, 14. June 2016, Basel, p. 52
Corriere del Ticino, Emilia Carabelli, “Un giovane coro di voci e pensieri uniti per esplorare il disegno”, 23. June 2016, Lugano, p. 32
Teleticino (TV), “L’arte contemporanea conquista Villa dei Cedri”, 23.4.2016, Melide
RSI LA 1 (TV), “Il disegno contemporaneo dentro e fuori Villa dei Cedri”, 7.5.2016, Lugano
JRP|Ringier Newspaper Issue 9, “agnès b.”, Interview Hans Ulrich Obrist with agnès b., ISBN 978-3-03764-456-0, p.14
Basler Zeitung, Judith Opferkuch, “Liebeserklärung an das Zeichnen”, 18. September 2015, Basel, p. 21
Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, Christian Fluri, “Die lichte und dunkle Poesie des Strichs”, 17. September 2015, Basel, p. 36
“ÜBERZEICHNEN”, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthaus Baselland (Hrsg.), Edition Fink, Zürich, ISBN 978-3-03746-189-1, pp. 6, 49-50, 69-71
Robert Estermann, “Scenic Tongical, No.2 – Locomo (Spaceless)”, artist’s newspaper, concept with Georg Rutishauser, Edition Fink (Hrsg.), 2015, Zurich, ISBN 978-3-03746-189-1
Robert Estermann, “Scenic Tongical, No.1 – Logogogo (Radical Skies)”, artist’s newspaper, concept with Georg Rutishauser, Edition Fink (Hrsg.), 2015, Zurich
Robert Estermann, Christl Mudrak, “Es gibt keinen Ort ausserhalb des Bildes. There is no place outside the picture”, Caustic Window (publisher), Seoul, ISBN 978-89-956464-7-2
Aarauer Rundschau, Ursula Liebich, “Unter einem Dach”, 17. April 2014, Aarau
Artforum, Judith Hopf, “Best of 2013”, December 2013, New York, pp. 206-207, Seyda Kurt, “Wann kommt die neue FleischCard?”, 19. September 2013
Niklaus Oberholzer, “Stille Post”, Edizioni Periferia, Luzern (publisher), ISBN 978-3-906016-27-6, pp. 178-183
Robert Estermann, “Announcements”, artist’s book, Caustic Window (publisher), 2014, Seoul, ISBN pending
“Unfucking Real”, Caustic Window, Seoul (publisher), ISBN 978-89-94027-27-2, pp. 91-92
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Philipp Meier, “Die Sonne war nicht Zeuge”, 12. October 2012, Zurich, p. 52
Robert Estermann, “Schreiben Sie Ja oder Nein”, Departement of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, Zurich
Yearbook 2012 DARCH ETHZ, “Zeichnung und Aufzeichnung”, Departement of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, ISBN 978-3-85676-308-4, Zurich, pp. 17-19
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Urs Bugmann, “Archiv der Formen”, 20. December 2011, Lucerne
Kunst-Bulletin, Niklaus Oberholzer, “Drei Künstler blicken auf Max von Moos”, 5/2011, Zurich, pp. 58-59
Schweizer Fernsehen, Tagesschau, “Max von Moos einmal anders”, 18. March 2011, Zurich
Radio DRS1,Katharina Altemeier, “Max von Moos: Künstler mit eigener Prägung”, 19. March 2011, Zurich
Radio DRS1, amo, Regionaljournal Zentralschweiz, “Max von Moos im Kunstmuseum Luzern”, 18. March 2011, Lucerne
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Kurt Beck, “Künstlerbesuch in surrealer Bilderwelt”, 23. March 2011, Lucerne, p. 11
PRESTIGE, “Gesehen von…”, 24. March 2011, Basel, p. 42
Zürcher Oberländer, sda, “Neue Einsichten”, 19. March 2011, Wetzikon, p. 29
Der Landbote, sda, “Neue Einsichten”, 19. March 2011, Winterthur, p. 15
Radio DRS2, DRS2 aktuell, “Kunstmuseum Luzern im Dialog mit Max von Moos”, 6. May 2011, Zurich
Willisauer Bote, Berta Oehen, “Unkonventionelle Werkschau”, 25. March 2011, Willisau
artensuite – Kulturmagazin, Dominik Imhof, “Kein Tag ohne Linie”, 1. March 2011, Bern, p. 10
Bolero, “Der Maler Max von Moos, kommentiert”, JSC, 1. April 2011, Zurich, p. 62
artensuite – Kulturmagazin, Dominik Imhof, “Gesehen von”, May 2011, Bern, p. 7
La Liberté, Jacques Sterchi, “Val-de-Travers: en plei air”, 16. July 2011, Fribourg, p. 27
NZZ am Sonntag, Gerhard Mack, “Mit dem Griffel denken”, 30. January 2011, Zurich, p. 73
Yearbook 2011 DARCH ETHZ, “Concepts and Perception of Colour, Looking at White by Robert Estermann”, Departement of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, ISBN 978-3-85676-291-9, Zurich, pp. 24-25
Kunst-Bulletin, Annelise Zwez, “Robert Estermann”, 7-8/2010, Zurich, p. 56
Yearbook 2010 DARCH ETHZ, “In Richtung Optimum Schwarzes Haus Weiss”, Departement of Architecture at the ETH Zurich, ISBN 978-3-85676-282-7, Zurich, pp. 23-27
“Edition 5 Erstfeld”, Ruth Nyffeler, Jürg Nyffeler, Barbara Zürcher (publishers), edition pudelundpinscher, ISBN: 978-3-9523273-8-8, Erstfeld, pp. 38, 119
“Voici un dessin suisse – Swiss Drawings 1990-2010”, jrp|ringier (publisher), ISBN 978-3-03764-100-2 (english edition), ISBN: 978-3-03764-101-9 (french edition), ISBN: 978-3-03764-102-6 (german edition), Zurich, pp. 129-132, 248, 252
“Voici un dessin suisse”, livret d’exposition, Musées d’art et d’histoire (publisher), Geneva, pp. 28-29
Le Temps, Laurence Chauvy, “Le dessin suisse poursuit ses chimères”, 6. April 2010, Geneva, p. 22
Artpress, Charles-Arthur Boyer, “Le dessin, territoire d’explorations”, n°366, April 2010, Paris, p. 36
Elle Magazine Hong Kong, Mavis Leung, “Sissy Circus and Other Singularities”, March 2010, Hong Kong, p. 54
Aargauer Zeitung, Sabine Altorfer, “(Nur) der Standort verbindet sie”, 6. February 2010, Aargau, p. 22
Rundschau Ausgabe Süd, 21. January 2010, Brugg, p. 13
Ateliergemeinschaft Spinnerei Wettingen, “Ateliergemeinschaft Spinnerei Wettingen”, catalogue, January 2010, Wettingen
Openspace Bae International Artist-in-residence Program, “Open to You”, yearbook catalogue, December 2009, Busan, Korea, pp.98-109, and DVD
Swiss council for the arts, “Swiss Art Awards 2009”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 978-3-9523148-8-3, Bern, pp. 66-69
20 Minuten, daw, “ETH-Unterricht mal anders: Haus schwarz angemalt”, 7. October 2009, Zurich, p. 9
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Urs Bugmann, “Zeichnungen sind Ausbrüche des Denkens”, 30. September 2009, Lucerne, p. 11
e-FM Busan, radio broadcast about Open Space Bae (includes interview with R.E.), 7. September 2009, Busan
Robert Estermann, “Modern Beach Design”, artist’s book, Caustic Window (publisher), 2009, Seoul ISBN 978-89-956464-4-1
Kulturzeiger, Fabian Gressly, “Eidgenössische Kunstpreise für sechs Solothurner”, July 2009, Solothurn, p. 7
Berner Zeitung, Hanspeter Flückiger, “Solothurner Wurzeln”, 30. June 2009, Bern
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Urs Bugmann, “Die Kunst gibt dem Leben eine Projektionsfläche”, 9. February 2009, Lucerne, p. 11
Radio DRS1, Regionaljournal Zentralschweiz, “Vierzig Jugendliche als lebendige Skulptur”, Mirjam Breu, 7.2.2009, Lucerne
Solothurner Zeitung, Urs Byland, “Bilder und Kunst aus einer anderen Welt. Atelierbesuch Robert Estermann”, 31. January 2009, Solothurn, pp. 1, 31
“collection agnès b.”, jrp|ringier (publisher), ISBN: 978-3-905829-82-2 (english edition), ISBN: 978-3-905829-83-9 (french edition), Zurich
Bloomberg Magazine, Farah Nayeri, “Designer Agnes B. Mixes Fashion, Art Collecting, Road Movies”, 5. August 2008, New York
Les Inrockuptibles, “Robert Estermann”, 19. February 2008, Paris, p. 76
Kunstmuseum Luzern, “Top of Central Switzerland”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 978-3-267- 00154-6, 2007, Lucerne, pp. 72-73
Tages-Anzeiger, Sascha Renner, “Die Zürcher Kunstszene geht fast leer aus”, 13. June 2007, Zurich
Swiss council for the arts, “Swiss Art Awards 2007”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 978-3-9523148-1, Bern, pp. 00-1;61-64
Kunstmuseum Luzern, “Robert Estermann, Pleasure, Habeas Corpus, Motoricity. The Great Western Possible”, exhibition catalogue, Edition Fink, ISBN 978-3-03746-105-1, 2007, Zürich (monographical)
Kunst-Bulletin, Niklaus Oberholzer, “Luzern: Robert Estermann im Kunstmuseum”, Mai 2007, Zurich, p. 71
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, sba., “In der Mausfalle”, 31. March 2007, Zurich, p. 52
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Urs Bugmann, “Ich biete Reibungsflächen”, 21. March 2007, Lucerne, p. 43
Schweizer Illustrierte, Kati Moser, “Der Pfahlbauer”, 20. February 2007, Zurich, pp. 75-76
Stadt Zurich, “Was macht die Kunst – Ankäufe der Stadt Zürich 2001-2006”, exhibition catalogue, Edition Fink, 2006, Zurich
Kunstpanorama Luzern / Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, “Heimatflimmern”, exhibition catalogue, 2006, Luzern / Potsdam, pp. 15-16
Swiss council for the arts, “Swiss Art Awards 2005”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 3-9522701- 6-4, Bern, pp. 45-48
Tages-Anzeiger, Sascha Renner: “Blütenlese des Kunstschaffens”, 13. October 2005, Zürich, p. 24
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Philipp Meier: “Katastrophen und Abstürze”, 15./16. October 2005, Zürich, p. 57
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Niklaus Oberholzer: “Griff in die klassizistische Zitatenkiste”, 31.12.2005, Lucerne, p. 8
association marcel wallace, “paris project room”, ISBN 2-9523935-0-8, 2005, Paris
“imam da kazõem – Robert Estermann Very Yellow Plane, umetnik iz Sõvajcarske”, Pancevac, No.4042, 25 Juni 2004, Pancevo
Gallery of Contemporary Art, “11th Biennial of Visual Arts VALUES”, exhibition catalogue, ISSN 1451-804X, 2004, Pancevo, pp. 102-103
jeune création, “jeune création 2004”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 2-904652-44-2, 2004, Paris
D (is for drawing), international magazine on contemporary drawing N°1, Johnny Golding, “Four Horses, Four Boys and the Techne of Line Drawing”, ISBN 90-72076-23-0, Juni 2004, Maastricht, pp. 76-79
Kidswear Magazine N°18, spring/summer 2004, “I mean it: Fetish matter and democracy”, Katharina Koppenwallner (Hrsg.), 2004, Cologne
Züritipp, N.N. “Amsthäuser III&IV, Glanzlichter der Woche”, N° 05, 29 January 2004, Zurich, p. 44
Libération, Annik Rivoire, “Le Net sur le pied de paix”, 22 mars 2003, Paris
Metropolis M nr. 4, Front Page, ISSN 0168-9053, Aug./Sept. 2002, Utrecht (with Pascale Gatzen)
BKVB, “Commitment. Een keuze uit drie jaar Fonds BKVB”, exhibition catalogue, 2002, Rotterdam
“tout est important – Hans-Ulrich Obrist parle avec Robert Estermann very yellow plane – mercredi 4 septembre 2002”, édition galerie du jour agnès b., 2002, Paris, CD audio, 40′
illico, “Expo”, 12 septembre 2002, Paris, p. 23
Louise, “Sans Dessus-Dessous”, 1/2002, Paris, pp. 14-15
“Robert Estermann very yellow plane”, booklet, self-published, 2001
sl@sh, “Very yellow plane”, décembre 2001, Montreux, p. 60
Issues in contemporary culture and aesthetics n°. 12, “Graphic Society 4”, ISBN 90-7207-X, Sue Golding [johnny de philo] (editor), August 2001, Maastricht, pp. 15-16
Het Parool, Maartje den Breejen, “Een ‘scape met momenten van arbeid en frustratie’”, februari 2001, Amsterdam
De Appel Fondation, “UNLIMITED.NL#4”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 90-73501-54-7, 2001, Amsterdam, pp. 24-27
Compression Space / Fabrice Guyot, “LIE! #0”, exhibition catalogue, 2001, Amsterdam, pp. 22-23
art-das Kunstmagazin, Elisabeth Lebovici, “20. Internationale Kritiker-Umfrage”, Januar 2001, Hamburg, pp. 46-47
de Voorkant, Eric Hagoort: “Magere man lost op in korrelig beeld”, 26. mai 2000, Amsterdam, p. 14
art press: “Affinités électives”, November 2000, Paris, p. 95
Total Open-Air Museum, “The garden project”, exhibition catalogue, 1999, Seoul, pp. 6-7
Ambassade Suisse à Paris, “FIN DE SIECLE”, exhibition catalogue, 1998, Paris, p. 29 Ensb-a, “Diplômes 97”, exhibition catalogue, ISBN 2-84056-059-3, 1998, Paris, p. 29
Radio Nova, “On a vu ça, ça et ça…” together with Bojan Sarcevic und Gemma Shedden on talk with Elisabeth Lebovici, 9.2.97, Paris
HTV De Ysberg, Caroline de Bie, “Four Horses”, 1/97, Rotterdam
Desseins n°. 1 “blank pages” Kristofer Paetau (editor), 1996, Paris
Schweizer Familie, René Brunner, “Schweizer Künstler in Paris”, 2/96, Zurich, p. 67