Last Space (Documenta 11) Last Space (Documenta 11), 2002 installation: C print on polyester (320 x 515 cm), plywood deputy walls, bleach dimensions variable courtesy Galerie du Jour Agnès b., Paris shown in: “Robert…
Door to the Clay Class Door to the Clay Class, 2011 environment / installation, including house, door, furniture, clay, air humidifiers, mold variable dimensions A door inside a public building announcing access to a fictitious…
Brnd mrror kds srrnd accdnt Brnd mrror kds srrnd accdnt, 2009 A performance with 40 young people during 5 hours within the installation Modern Day and The Bigger Picture Kunstmuseum Luzern, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2009…
Room and Anteroom / All Desires / I Have Forgotten Your Name room and anteroom / all desires / I have forgotten your name, 2000 installative performance, half-emptied room, the artist and one visitor at a time inside the room for an…
The Most Beautiful Bird of Our Time The Most Beautiful Bird of Our Time, 1997 installative performance, emptied room, row of tables, 1 living bird, 5-6 performers, visitors, instant camera, bleach dimensions variable, duration of 6 hours…