_Graveyeard for copy paste


“What Absence Is Made Of”, The Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC, USA


2 – 26 October 2019

Affaire de Coeur 5 – The most beautiful bird of our time

Robert Estermann, Helga Ritsch, Joseph Choi, Ji-Pil Jung, Tae-Soo Lee, Hyoun-Soo Kyung

17 Apgujeong-Ro
Seoul, Korea

images: Wola ShieldThe Most Beautiful Bird of Our Time (text version)
Courtesy Lee Eugean Gallery, Seoul


26 – 28 October 2019

Contemporary Connections

Kim Engelen, Robert Estermann, Paloma Schnitzer

Falk30 Temporary Project Space
Falckensteinstr. 30
10997 Berlin

image: Der Zeichner


I’m currently working on a new monography and another new publication with Edition Fink, Zurich.




13 March – 13 April 2019

World Drawing Class

solo show

Opening: 13 March 2019, 6pm

with the pre-release of the publication:
Scenic Tongical, No.3 – Machinations of Matter (Stills of Contortions for Instant Translation)
edition fink, Zurich

Hilfiker Kunstprojekte, Lucerne, Switzerland


30 November 2018 – 20 January 2019

Ankäufe der Stadt Zürich 2011 – 2018 (New Acquisitions by the City of Zurich 2011 – 2018)
Helmhaus Zürich
Opening: 29.11.2018, 6pm
Kuratorium: Sabine Rusterholz Petko und Luigi Archetti
Organisation: Kultur Stadt Zürich, Ressort Bildende Kunst, Kommission für Bildende Kunst und Fachstelle Kunstsammlung der Stadt Zürich, Helmhaus Zürich

Limmatquai 31
8001 Zürich
Opening hours: Tue – Sun: 11am – 6pm, Thu: 11am – 8pm

image: Double Springboard and Handrails (detail)


2 October – 9 December 2018

Wild Youths Riot School
Museum Jajaknamusoup 주최: 미술관 자작나무숲
186, Hanwoo-ro Dugok 5-gil, Woocheonmyeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon Province 25249 South Korea
Curated by Kim Kim Gallery 주관: 킴킴 갤러리
With the support of the South Korean ministry of culture
참여작가 Artists: 성낙희 Nakhee Sung, 성낙영 Nakyoung Sung, 주재환 Joo Jae-hwan, 고등어 Mackerel Safranski, 박수지 Suji Park, 제프 게이블 Jeff Gabel, 로버트 에스터만 Robert Estermann, 찰스 브론슨 Charles Bronson, 김나영 & 그레고리 마스 Nayoungim & Gregory Maass

And of course from the beginning, we would like to show your work, ’cause the theme of Wild Youths Riot School is also inspired by ALEX in TOWN. – Nayoungim, Kim Kim Gallery

image: Alex in Town


December 2018

scattered insert Riding.Vision in Diaphanes Magazine No.5

Art – Fiction – Discourse
No.5 – Taming the Gaze

DIAPHANES ist seit 2017 zudem ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes mehrsprachiges Print- und Online-MAGAZIN mit Fokus auf zeitgenössische Kunst, kritischen Diskurs und internationale Literatur. Offen für die Pluralität sämtlicher Imaginations- und Wissensformen verbindet DIAPHANES MAGAZIN Neugier auf aktuelle Strömungen mit essayistischer Tiefenschärfe, die Macht der Fiktion mit nuancierter Urteilskraft, publizistische Unabhängigkeit mit Lust an Irritation und Kontroverse.
Kunst und Denken, Kritik und Produktion gleichermaßen verpflichtet, will DIAPHANES gerade solche Positionen aufeinander beziehen, die angesichts konformer Sinnesregime neue Text- und Bildpraktiken entwickeln und entgegen einer zunehmend opak produzierten Realität dazu beitragen, die Mittel kritischer Durchdringung und ästhetischer Sensibilität zu erneuern.


28 July – 24 August 2018

Each Line Is A Crime
Archive Kabinett, Berlin
With the support of Stiftung Kunstfonds and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
Opening: 28.07.2018, 7pm
Book Presentation Towards (Im)Measurability of Art and Life: 28.07.2018, 8pm
Performance by Robert Estermann: 11.08.2018, 6pm
Each Line Is A Crime is curated by Miya Yoshida on the launch of her publication, Towards (Im)Measurability of Art and Life. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from the subtitle of the blog Robert’s Lines by Robert Estermann.

Excerpt from the press release by Miya Yoshida of the exhibition “Each Line Is A Crime”, Archive Kabinett, Berlin, 29 July – 24 August 2018
‘Spectacular Interferometry’ (2017) is a series of very large digital prints by Robert Estermann. Each print consists of two different sets of drawings; one is his recent abstract drawings of beaches, the other is the pseudo technical drawings of automobiles that he drew at the age of twelve when he was obsessed with the design and measurement of cars. In Spectacular Interferometry, the artist juxtaposes them into a single pictorial plane and plays with the idea of measurement in the “(non) scale of a modernist dream” to interfere with his pragmatic approach as child car designer.

image: Spectacular Interferometry


ongoing project

Riding.Vision is an art installation in the form of a media production company and a daily updated online concept store. Contents from it find their way to physical art shows as cross-media environments or to other outlets, and vice versa.

image: Riding.Vision