1960-08-14 Scenic Tongical Newspaper No.3 Scenic Tongical, No.3 – Machinations of Matter (Stills of Contortions for Instant Translation) concept newspaper with drawings from the Scenic Tongical series 20 pages, 35 x 50 cm edition of 2000, worldwide distribution concept: Robert Estermann, Georg Rutishauser print: BVZ Berliner Zeitungsdruck GmbH Berlin editor: edition fink, Zurich, 2019 above: some of the 20 pages Scenic Tongical 1, 2 and 3 are going to be released as a bundle by edition fink in Summer of 2019. see also: Scenic Tongical, No.1 – Logogogo (Radical Skies) Scenic Tongical, No.2 – Locomo (spaceless) Scenic Tongical (drawings), 2014–2015